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March 12, 2024
1 min read

The education of junior lawyers in the age of AI

"The education of Junior Lawyers in the Age of AI" provides an in-depth look into how the rise of AI tools in law firms is revolutionizing the training and development of junior lawyers. While AI takes on tasks like legal research and early draft generation, the essence of a lawyer's journey remains rooted in active involvement and hands-on experience, passed on by their senior peers.

For junior lawyers, the journey of learning through active involvement and hands-on experience is very important. It's through this process that they uncover precedents and patterns within advice, build connections with colleagues and clients, and start to grasp the overarching strategic landscape.

As Law firms increasingly adopt technology that picks up tasks typically performed by junior lawyers, such as legal research and early draft generation, many lawyers wonder about their role in the education of junior lawyers.

Obviously, juniors today require different training which includes fitting the use of legal technology in their workflows. However, whether a junior lawyer drafts advice using precedents or AI solutions, the core competencies remain the same. Every junior lawyer must lean to:

  • Grasp the client's query and the context of the advice.
  • Identify and understand the applicable legal framework.
  • Differentiate between relevant and irrelevant facts.
  • Understand the purpose of the advice.
  • Comprehend and justify the legal analysis.

This is still achieved through knowledge sharing and in-depth discussions. Being available and allowing time for information absorption are traditional, yet vital practices in a time where technology augments the learning process.

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