Why use Uncover?

Today's legal markets are becoming ever more competitive and digitised. Uncover uniquely combines decades of litigation experience with ground-breaking AI powered technology, harnessing the newest and most advanced language models. Our unparalleled solution provides lawyers with a mind blowing boost of efficiency and accuracy so lawyers can focus on complex legal tasks and building excellent relationships with their clients!



Finished drafting? No need to spend time on collating and printing the procedural documents and exhibits. One mouse-click and you will receive a high-quality bundle of your document and the exhibits referred to.

Case Assistant

Always wanted a team member that can answer you every question about your case? Just ask Uncover Case Assistant in simple language and it combines vector-based search with AI to find that needle in the haystack amidst the thousands of documents. Uncover Case Assistant deeply understands context and will not only get you the information but will also formulate an accurate precise answer or advice, based on your specific case.

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Document Assistant

Whether you need assistance with pinpointing clauses in documents, translations, gathering evidence or explaining case law, Uncover's AI-enabled paralegal is here to help. Trust in our Document Assistant to question and hand out of tasks about specific documents, all in a secure environment.


General Assistant

Are you looking for a smarter, more secure way to streamline your workflow? Say hello to Uncover General Assistant, our baseline AI feature where lawyers can pose questions and hand out tasks to the newest GPT-model on the market, in a completely protected environment.



Finished drafting? No need to spend time on collating and printing the procedural documents and exhibits. One mouse-click and you will receive a high-quality bundle of your document and the exhibits referred to.


Our AI automatically classifies documents on content, dates them and orders them in chronological order. Keep track of what you read, your deadlines and manage key infomation all in one place!



Quickly find out what happened with our automatically generated timeline of events. Our AI extract all relevant facts from each and every document in your case and automatically creates a detailed chronology of events.



Streamline your workflow with AI-powered document summarisation, extracting key insights and essential information from lengthy legal documents in seconds, enabling you to focus on critical case details and make informed decisions faster than ever before



Finished drafting? No need to spend time on collating and printing the procedural documents and exhibits. One mouse-click and you will receive a high-quality bundle of your document and the exhibits referred to.



Finished drafting? No need to spend time on collating and printing the procedural documents and exhibits. One mouse-click and you will receive a high-quality bundle of your document and the exhibits referred to.

Case Chronologizer

This dazzling new feature automatically summarizes and organizes all your case documents and their summaries in chronological order! Jump back and forth through time with ease, by reading crisp, concise summaries of each document. This helps you grasp the essentials. Perfect for prepping and staying one step ahead!



Always wanted to excel in multiple languages? Our translation capabilities are designed for effortless translation of document summaries, timelines, and legal queries into multiple languages. This enhances accessibility information across documents and improves client communication, empowering lawyers in handling international or multilingual cases.



All your documents are instantly converted into searchable text, making the entire case searchable. The days of opening all your documents one-by-one and searching for that one sentence or quote you need are over.



Finished drafting? No need to spend time on collating and printing the procedural documents and exhibits. One mouse-click and you will receive a high-quality bundle of your document and the exhibits referred to.


Collaborate efficiently with your team and clients in one workspace throughout the entire process and reduce inconsistencies and double work. Teamwork has never been this easy!

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